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Shichisei no Subaru VOL.1-12 End


In the popular MMORPG world ‘Union’, existed a legendary party named Subaru. This party, made up of a group of childhood friends and elementary schoolers, exceeded the limits of the game with their various senses. However, due to an incident which resulted in a death, ‘Union’ ended its service and the group of childhood friends went separate ways. Six years later, highschooler Haruto logged into the new ‘Reunion’ and reunited with a single girl. Asahi—one of old ‘Subaru’ party members, and his childhood friend who should have died six years ago. Is she a digital ghost, or…?

曾經紅遍全世界的人氣 MMORPG《UNION》中,有一支隊名叫做昴宿的傳說級隊伍。這支隊伍是由一群互為兒時玩伴的小學生們所組成,他們憑藉著各自的才能,登上這款線上遊戲的巔峰──不過以某起死亡意外為開端,《UNION》宣布結束營運,這群兒時玩伴們也各奔東西…… 六年後,身為高中生的陽翔,登入新生《Re’Union》之後,竟與一名少女再次重逢。她就是昴宿的成員之一,應當於六年前過世的兒時玩伴──旭姬。她究竟是電子組成的幽靈,還是……?由現實與電玩遊戲交織而成,嶄新的青春故事正式上線!

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